Sunday, September 22, 2024




A Crazy Town Series Novella

Natalie-Nicole Bates


 📙Paperback Link:

🎧 Apple audiobook:

Mellie arrived in Crazy Town looking to find folks like herself with a touch of eccentricity.

And she found it.

Behind the massive black wrought iron gates lies Mellie’s prized poison garden. She believes that all plants are precious and must be grown and nurtured so as not to become extinct.

Even the most dangerous of plants have a purpose.

This year is something a little bit special.    

It’s the blooming of the Death Flower, and Mellie expects a large crowd of spectators to visit the once every decade occurrence.

News of the poison garden also attracts a foe from Mellie’s past that she can’t seem to shake.

But now Mellie has a friend living in her home that no one else seems to see, and he may be just the person to help rid her poison garden of unwanted pests. 

But is he real or just a figment of Mellie’s imagination?

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